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Paleo Granola Cocoa 285g

Paleo Granola Cocoa 285g

Paleo Granola Cocoa 285g

The Paleo Foods Co
Paleo Granola Cocoa 285g is about embracing the lifestyle of our Palaeolithic ancestors, choosing to eat real, unprocessed foods, rich in nutrients that our bodies are designed to eat. A key element to this diet is omitting grains. Instead, those on the paleo diet choose to enjoy a diet rich in vegetables, meat, fish, fruit, seeds and nuts, and avoiding anything artificial.Cocoa & Hazelnut Paleo Granola is a nutritious and delicious breakfast alternative to traditional sugar-laden granolas. Instead this tasty cereal mix is packed with almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and other nuts and seeds and sweetened with a drizle of honey and cocoa! Perfect for those on the Paleo diet or those looking to follow a low-carbohydrate diet.

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