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Natures Answer Dandelion Root 30ml

Natures Answer Dandelion Root 30ml

Natures Answer Dandelion Root 30ml

Natures Answer
Natures Answer Dandelion Root 30ml is from the French, Dent de lion (tooth of the lion), probably because its leaves are serrated, like long teeth. Dandelion was considered as part of the official pharmacopeia of Rome and is also part of the Chinese Materia Medica. Taraxacum is called Pu Gong Ying and is used to clear heat in the body and remove fire poison, conditions which in Western medical understanding equate to helping the liver in its detoxification capacity. Dandelion is one plant most everyone can recognize. Lawn owners are perturbed every spring when dandelion sends up its early yellow flowers. Children delight at blowing the fluffy white top off the seed heads, sometimes along with a wish. Thankfully, the continued use of strong, deadly herbicides has not eradicated this wonderful plant. In fact, dandelion's tenacity, even in the face of a genocidal assault by green lawn advocates, speaks to its inner strength, which it confers to those who respect and use it for food and as a remedy. If you pick a yellow dandelion flower and leave it in a dark area, it will still put forth a fluffy seed pod in a few days. What an example of the power of purpose! The dandelion flower is also an accurate weather vane. Notice that they close up tightly before rainstorms. The Dandelion is in the family Compositae and is kin to Daisy, Sunflower, and Echinacea. Nature's Answer Dandelion Root Liquid Extract is unique. If you compare the milligrams you are getting per dose, you will notice that 2 dropperfuls (2 ml) is made from 2000 mg of concentrated herb

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