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Health Aid Pregnazon 60 Capsules

Health Aid Pregnazon 60 Capsules

Health Aid Pregnazon 60 Capsules

Health Aid
Pregnazon Complete from HealthAid has been carefully developed by experts. Its unique formulation contains 20 essential nutrients including Omega-3 which is rich in EPA /DHA, crucial for the development of baby's brain and nervous system. It also has the added benefit of Beta Carotene, which is the precursor to vitamin A: important for baby's embryonic growth - including the development of the heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, and bones, and the circulatory, respiratory, and central nervous systems. It also helps with infection resistance and fat metabolism. It is particularly essential for women who are about to give birth, because it helps with postpartum tissue repair. . Folic Acid is essential for the healthy growth of the baby's skeletal, eyes, heart and immune system. These vital nutrients will also help to give mums energy and to prepare for the birth and looking after the baby when it is born.

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