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Kiki Health Org MaitakeandReishi Extract 60vegicaps

Kiki Health Org MaitakeandReishi Extract 60vegicaps

Kiki Health Org MaitakeandReishi Extract 60vegicaps

Kiki Health
We cultivate our organic red reishi and maitake mushrooms on a wood-rich substrate, where they grow naturally - resulting in a potent and high-quality extract with the most bio-active constituents available. Our Organic Reishi/Maitake Extract Powder is derived by extraction of the mushroom's fruiting bodies, which are proven to be much richer in active ingredients and more abundant in beta-D-glucans rich polysaccharides, than mushrooms extracted from mycelium. Temperature-controlled, dual extract technology is used to obtain the valuable functional components found inside the mushroom cells; the advanced production method supports the highest levels of active nutrients to be captured. Our pure and concentrated Organic Extract Powder is expertly standardised to an impressive 50% polysaccharides content. It contains a signicant amount of triterpenes and polyphenols

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