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Together Health Wholevit Stress Aid Complex 30 Capsule (case Of 6)

Together Health Wholevit Stress Aid Complex 30 Capsule (case Of 6)

Together Health Wholevit Stress Aid Complex 30 Capsule (case Of 6)

Together Health
We've created this WholeVit stress aid supplement to give your body a some TLC when you're feeling the pressure. Along with all the benefits of nutrients from our much-loved WholeVit range, we've added a carefully selected combination of herbs to provide support for your body during busy times. The WholeVit difference... Using whole food ingredients we create vitamins that are easily absorbed and gentle on the stomach. This pack contains 10 WholeVit vitamins and minerals, specially designed to support you during busy or stressful times. Tell me more... Our formulation also includes three adaptogentic herbs - Schizandra, Ashwaghanda and Rhodioia - that support your adrenal system and help your body to manage the way it responds to stress. Does not contain... Wheat; live yeast; starch; gluten; milk products (lactose); fillers; binders; processing additives; colourings; flavourings; preservatives; pesticides; hexane and GM ingredients.

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